Other HTML Elements

Horizontal Rule

Code Example
<hr />


This is a blockquote

This is a blockquote

This is a blockquote

A cite
Code Example
This is a blockquote

<p>This is a blockquote</p>
<p>This is a blockquote</p>
<cite>A cite</cite>


This is a table caption
Title Rating Released
Harvey 4.0 1950
The Shining 4.2 1980
Metropolis 4.1 1927
Code Example
	<caption>This is a table caption</caption>
			<td>The Shining</td>


This is some code

Code Example
<p><code>This is some code</code></p>


A Ctrl+C

Code Example
<p><kbd>A</kbd> <kbd>&rarr;</kbd> <kbd>Ctrl+C</kbd></p>


This is some preformatted text
Code Example
<pre>This is some preformatted text</pre>


A details title

This is some content that is hidden by default.

A details title

This is some content that is hidden by default.

Code Example
	<summary>A details title</summary>
	<p>This is some content that is hidden by default.</p>
	<summary>A details title</summary>
	<p>This is some content that is hidden by default.</p>


This element is used for Text higlighting

Code Example
<p>This element is used for <mark>Text higlighting</mark></p>